Iran Takes Out $80 Million Hit On Trump. Can We Stop Apologizing Now?

They called down the dogs.  And now, as as they retaliate in their usual cowardly manner, half of America seems to be talking to Twitter.... To apologise.

These savages have put out an 80 Million Dollar hit on our president's head.  Not some little fringe terrorist group;  These bastards broadcast it on Iranian State television.

Say what you will about the decision to kill Qasem Soleimani, But you know what?  We did it the right way.   We didn't make backhanded deals to try and get other people to do our dirty work for us.  This is exactly why we took that scumbag out to begin with!  

Do you people have any idea how much American blood that man had on his hands?  You with your stupid holy war against us.  Why?  Because we don't want you to have nuclear weapons?  If you could use them for something besides dick waving we wouldn't need to take them from you.  Because we don't make our women indentured servants who have to cover themselves from heat to foot?  Get over it.  The 1600's called.  They want their belief system back.

Was killing Soleimani a strategic mistake?  Not really.  Did it give these idiots an excuse to launch their slimy attacks?  Sure.  But you know what?  If it wasn't this they would have found another excuse.  They always do.  

So let's stop apologising.  Between this and their ridiculous hacking stunt show us that we were right.  And we'll be right when we finish the job.

Now that I'm done ranting... apologies, but I'm sick and damned tired of these ridiculous liberal apologists kissing these animals' asses.... I'll take a moment to say thank you. after 2 days and 2 articles, and more than 3,000 folks have tuned in to read.  (as you can see by the view clicker up top there; yes, I finally figured out how to do that)  Again, this is why I'm doing this.  It shows that if we all do our part, we truly can get the word out.  This is a war.  I will continue to do my part, to strive for the goal of a conservative America.  Please join;  do all of the likes and shares and retweets and such.  It only takes a minute, but it's how we spread our message.  Check out the page, leave comments and suggestions;  this is a project for the people, not for me.  

So, until the next time, if there is a next time... heads up.  Eyes open.  Be firm in your beliefs and believe only in truth!

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