What Is Trump 3:16?

#Trump316 is a trend started on Twitter, an obvious play on the phrase Trump 3:16, an ode to the Bible verse John 3:16 with a rub from former WWE star "Stone Cold Steve Austin" and his own catchphrase "Austin 3:16".

From what we can find, it was started by a discernibly fake blog called "The News-Zone", a snowflake hack page that boasts such reputable post titles as "Is the Earth Flat or a Globe - Poll",  "Monica Lewinsky Dies In Apparent Suicide", and "The Petition To Remove Donald Trump.... Add Your Voice."  Here's a spoiler; It's round, she didn't, they didn't.  But this is typical of the internet;  any moron with a laptop can pretend to be news; and when one snowflake posts their propaganda garbage, the rest of the hacks follow, and next thing you know, there's the silly little hashtag of the day trending on Twitter.

This one was especially ludicrous, but here's a summary.  Trump is a dictator, Trump is out of control, Trump sucks, we couldn't impeach him so let's whine and call him an emperor.  Standard stuff.

But after a few hours, something interesting began to happen; the tag was taken over.  Much to the chagrin of the Snowflake nation, #Trump316 is becoming a Conservative rallying cry; so much so that the President himself Tweeted it today.

I read the post that started the trend, and while most of it was just inane, there was one sentence that I absolutely loved; "It's a Trump New World."

It is indeed.  This entire post is basically a litany of CNN talking points, although it did take a creative approach; the author claims to be a conservative who voted for Trump but has changed his mind.  Read if you'd like; I will post a link here.  I hate to offer the guy more views, but it is good for a laugh.  Half way through you realize the guy is about as conservative as A.O.C.  Everything Trump does is evil.  Everything is a conspiracy.  The economy is suddenly Obama's accomplishment, even though there are no facts whatsoever to support this liberal claim.  But that's how they work.... If something isn't true, they just repeat it until people start to believe it is.  Firing Traitors like Vindman and John Rood makes him an emperor;  never mind the notion that the people making decisions for our great nation should be in step with the president.  Every president in our lifetimes has picked his circle; firings are common.  Look up how much similar housekeeping Obama did.  But as is often the case in the snowflake kingdom, things they do are unacceptable unless it's they themselves doing them.

And the Coup De Gras; possibly the most popular talking point in Democratic circles.  "Why is the only corruption Donald Trump cares about Joe Biden?  Why didn't he investigate Biden before this?"
The fact that this line has built up the traction it has is is beyond me. One; Joe Biden isn't even really a threat anymore, and yet the investigation continues.  Not only is he no longer the front runner, he's not even a front runner.  And the legitimate front runners?  Do we see anyone investigating them?  Of course not.  Say what you will about Bernie; he may be a Socialist, he may be older than Yoda, and he may be insane, but he isn't corrupt.  His family isn't off making millions off of his office.  Biden's was.  The things he was doing may not have been illegal on the surface, but no one was able to investigate with him running around using his position as Vice President to stop them.  But if the Left Media's thoeries are correct, wouldn't the Trump administration be trying to "dig up" dirt on him as well?

And as for the fact that he didn't investigate Biden before; he wasn't a threat before.  I don't mean a threat to Trump; I mean a threat to America.  Trump had more important issues to deal with than a sleazy ex-VP's sins.  Little things like winning a trade war with China, Pushing through the biggest tax cut in history, and saving our economy.  But then Joe Biden decided to run for president.  As corrupt as he was as VP, imagine how much damage he could do as President.... He made himself a threat.  You think Trump didn't know he would take heat for doing this?  But he put his own political risk aside to fight for us.  To protect us.  Trump is, in this case, a true hero.

They can keep rehashing their tired, stale conspiracies.  And they will.  Because it's all they have.  Numbers and facts don't lie, and the numbers and facts will always prevail.  They can just keep trying with their silly little tends and hashtags.  And we will continue to take them over.  Below is a link to a #Trump316 tweet.  click it, like it, re-tweet it.  Tweet the tag yourself.  As always, we here at The Conservative Opposition try to bring you the truth, but we need your help.  Help us to spread the word.
